Healing crime victims. Rehabilitating offenders.
Making our communities safer.

Meredith Schwanke
Units: Bartlett, Crain, Hilltop, Hughes, Murray, O'Daniel, Plane State Jail, Woodman
New to BTL in 2024, Meredith Schwanke serves as Waco Area Regional Coordinator. Born and raised in Texas, Meredith became a military wife in 2012. After living the military spouse/family lifestyle in many states for the past 12 years, she and her family have now returned to the great state of Texas to call home forever.
Meredith earned a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s degree specializing in Applied Behavioral Analysis. She has worked for the past 6-plus years as a Registered Behavioral Therapist.
Meredith has 20 years of sobriety and has volunteered with multiple prison ministries. When searching for what the next chapter in her career life would look like after returning to Texas, God opened the door for the opportunity to join the BTL team. She is excited to see what life-changing adventures are yet to come while serving the BTL mission.
Meredith and her husband, Paul, have 5 beautiful children and are blessed with the opportunity to raise them surrounded by their Texan families.