Healing crime victims. Rehabilitating offenders.
Making our communities safer.
Tac Buchanan
P.O. Box 1561
Amarillo, TX 79105
P.O. Box 15958
Lubbock, TX 79490
Units: Clements, Dalhart, Formby, Jordan, Mechler, Montford, Randall Co. Jail, Roach, Wheeler
Tac is Bridges To Life's Amarillo/Lubbock Regional Coordinator.
In 1998, Tac suffered a terrible loss. While he was away at work, his home was invaded by a man who raped and strangled his wife and burned down their house. Struggling to deal with his pain, Tac found solace in alcohol and drugs, eventually ending up in prison as an offender. Through the unconditional love of a TDCJ Chaplain, Tac was patiently ushered into a personal relationship with Jesus and was eventually able to forgive the offender that murdered his wife.
After his release from prison, Tac began serving as a volunteer Chaplain for the Randall County Jail, counseling offenders upon their release. During one such session, he was introduced to BTL by a young man who had been through the program. Tac reached out to John Sage, and after learning that they had similar stories and both experienced God’s healing through forgiveness, a friendship was born. Tac came to work for BTL in 2012.
Tac has four children and lives in Amarillo with wife Susan, who is also a BTL volunteer.